With the Bulletin on European Affairs, ΕΝΑ Institute for Alternative Policies opts to take part in the public, and often controversial, debate on European affairs. The Bulletin will be issued twice a month, within the wider context of the Institute’s activities.

In accordance with the principles of ΕΝΑ’s Founding Declaration, the Bulletin on European Affairs will not stand politically and socially neutral, but will seek to explore responses to the diverse challenges of our time for Europe.

The fundamental question that motivated the decision to create the Bulletin was not the often postulated “more or less Europe”, but “what kind of Europe do we want” and how can this be achieved.

The economic crisis has been a catalyst for the further removal of the European Union from its institutional and social acquis. The dominance of a technocratic policy and economic orthodoxy, strips the EU project from its democratic functions and raises anew the question of legitimacy in terms of urgency. At the same time, with the outbreak of the refugee crisis, the questions of humanism, solidarity, tolerance and pluralism, which have been promotional factors for the people of Europe to agree towards a progressive direction, are now regarded again as objectives, even more urgent.

Ideas are plenty, opinions are constantly expressed, European elites are pondering on answers, which, however, appear to be unable to approach the crucial question: What do we think today of tomorrow’s Europe? A Europe, which will deepen its democratic dimension, regain the trust of its citizens, give pride of place to its social character and effectively deflect the divisive rhetoric of the far-right threat.

On the basis of the above, the 1st Bulletin on European Affairs focuses on issues of increased interest; their progress, nevertheless, is expected to affect the future of Europe:

*The stakes in the German elections and the electoral process are beyond the limits of the German territory and determine the future of the Union.

*The arising transformation of the European Stability Mechanism into a “European Monetary Fund” is a fact that, if it takes place, far exceeds the narrow Greek interest, but puts European integration on new bases.

*The fall development of the French President’s venture will be, along with the German elections, one of the cornerstones of Europe’s course in the coming years.

*The possible crisis in Spain, on the occasion of the Catalan’s demand for independence, may have been a silent, until a while ago, “powder keg” not only for the Iberian country but for the entire European Union structure as well.

*The way refugees and migration flows will emerge, as well as the way the EU, the first host countries, the other Member States and Turkey will address the issue, will show whether Europe will exceed one of its two crises or whether there will be a new spin with unknown outcomes.